
My Family's Flight


Through the Lens of Life: A Photographer's Personal Odyssey

Early Beginnings

My journey with a camera began with the lens capturing the moments that defined my family's resilience. It all started with my brother's premature birth, bringing forth a myriad of medical challenges that would forever shape our lives.

The Responsibilities We Carry

As a family, we embraced the responsibilities that come with supporting a loved one with special needs. The journey has been challenging, but it has also been the catalyst for a profound sense of purpose and the inspiration behind my storytelling with a camera.

A Mother's Dedication

Central to this narrative is the unwavering dedication of my mother. Her commitment to ensuring my brother's comfort and well-being became a journey of self-discovery. In delving into the intricacies of my brother's health issues, she transformed her knowledge into a Masters in Public Health.

From Knowledge to Activism

My mother emerged not just as a caregiver but as a community health activist. Her advocacy extended beyond our family to thousands in the community. From organizing vaccine clinics the moment COVID-19 shots became available to contributing to legislation like SB1854, which expanded testing for vitamin D sufficiency, she has been a force for positive change.

Proud Moments

I take immense pride in my mother's achievements and her role as my hero. Her ability to turn adversity into a force for good has not only impacted our family but has resonated throughout the community.

A Journey Continued

This personal story is ongoing, and as a photographer, I strive to capture the beauty and resilience that emerge from life's challenges. Through my lens, I share not just a story of struggles but one of strength, love, and the profound impact of individuals like my mother who turn adversity into avenues for positive change.